Use Cases

Family & Friends

You can create a group with your family members, partner or friends to track and split the expenses. Later, you can track the debts within the group and settle up when necessary.

App Group List
App Group List

Personal Budget Tracker

You can create a group without members to track your own costs. Later, you can use the stats & charts screen to track costs expenses months and years.

House Sharing

You can create a group with your housemates to track the household expenses. The app will help you to track who sent you money to use as a common fund.

App Group List
App Group List


You can create a group with your fellow travelers. Track how much money the group spent and settle any debt once you are back home.

Birthday Gift

You can create a group to gather a meaningful budget to buy a present to a dear buddy. You can make the initial purchase and split among the rest of the group to track who has to give you the money back.

App Group List

And Many More...

Use the app in many different creative ways and purposes... the sky is the limit!